
The Sunday Newspaper

 The most common place that people think of is the Sunday Newspaper. Yep, all those inserts that most people throw out or leave on the racks by the papers. These inserts are where I get the majority of my coupons. In my area, we have the Southern Illinoisan Newspaper. It typically contains some combination of three different inserts. These being SmartSource, RedPlum, General Mills (I have yet to see this one in my area) and P&G or Proctor and Gamble. Here is a link to an inserts schedule for Sunday papers. This schedule is subject to change, so don't get too upset if that happens. There are some coupons that are regional, and therefore your inserts might not be identical to those I receive. The page linked above with the insert schedule also contains previews for upcoming insert coupons.

Internet Printable Coupons

This is a good concept, but sometimes I find I go a little print crazy and not realize what I've printed and what I will actually use.
But for the most part, these are nice.
There are a lot of sources for online coupons. Two of the same companies that do the inserts for the Newspaper have online printable coupons as well. They are usually not all the same ones from the inserts though. When you go to their sites, which I will link in just a below this section, there will be coupons for you to "clip".
Once you've completed your selections, you will choose to print them. They can be printed in color or black and white. Whichever you prefer. I print mine in color, simply because that is what my printer is set for. I've read issues others have had about coupons that were not printed in color being suspected as copies, although right on the coupon itself it states "may be printed in color or black and white". They can be printed on plain computer paper, and cut out like regular coupons.
It will ask you once you've selected to print your coupons to install something the first time you use their site. It's referred to as a "coupon activator" usually, and is a safe download. This should only be necessary the first time you print from each site. These three sites are the ones I use most often for general coupon searching.

SmartSource Coupons
RedPlum Coupons

In addition to these sites, I get coupons from manufacturer's sites for their products. These are listed as promotions from time to time, and they typically use the same software to print as the other sites.